The Delaware County Juvenile Court Victim Services Program was established in 1987 to provide information and support for victims of juvenile crime and to ensure that case related decisions include greater consideration for the victim.
The program is committed to protecting victims of juvenile crime by informing them of their rights, providing information regarding the Court’s legal process, arranging support for personal and emotional needs, and attempting to help recover any financial losses. Keeping sight of a “balanced approach” ensures that offenders are held accountable to their victims and that the victims regain some degree of wholeness after an offense has been committed against them.
Victim Services Links
National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline: 866-334-9474
Sexual Assault Response Network: 800-864-2324
National Center for Victims of Crime Stalking Resource Helpline: 800-FYI-CALL
Delaware County Victim Services Unit: 740-833-2710
Contact Victim Services
Dana Wisecarver
Victim Services Coordinator
Fax: 740-833-2649
Sydnee Buckley
Victim Services Assistant
Fax: 740-833-2649
Juvenile Civil Protection Orders
A Juvenile Civil Protection Order is issued by Juvenile Court, a division of Delaware County Court of Common Pleas, intended to protect victims of certain crimes committed by a juvenile. These crimes include
- Domestic or Dating Violence
- Assault, Aggravated Assault, and Felonious Assault
- Menacing, Aggravated Menacing and Menacing by Stalking
- Aggravated Trespass
- Sexually Oriented Offences
It can provide relief from a dangerous situation whether or not a criminal charge is pursued.
A Juvenile Civil Protection Order is not for situations that do not present a danger to you and is a serious legal action that may have criminal consequences. It is inappropriate for a situation that is better managed by other interventions (e.g. name calling, non-threating, harassment, ect.) If this is your situation you are welcome to contact the Victim Services Unit for problem-solving and advocacy at 740-833-2710.
Victims Awareness Class
The Court may order a juvenile to attend the Victim Awareness Program when the offense that was committed involves a victim.
Juveniles are required to attend and participate in order to successfully complete the program. During the sessions the juveniles will gain awareness of their delinquent acts and how they have negatively affected their victims, the community and themselves. The juveniles are encouraged to accept responsibility while participating in activities geared to help them to understand the consequences of their actions.
The program focuses on understanding the victims’ point of view, decision-making, and how consequences are directly and indirectly related to one’s actions. Once a juvenile has completed the program, it is expected that he or she will use the information learned to become more successful in life by using the tools provided to make better decisions in the future.
The Victim Awareness Program is intended for juveniles ages 13-18 who are currently involved with the Juvenile Justice System. It is a Court-based program consisting of five 2-hour classes scheduled once per week over a 5-week period.
The main goal of this program is to help juveniles understand how the offender has affected the victim (and the victim’s family) and learn what it is that victims would like to see happen. However, there are additional goals that we want to help the juvenile achieve as well. Most importantly, the class is focused on decision-making and how consequences – good and bad – occur for every choice they make. Juveniles learn strategies for how to recognize that they have choices and how to take responsibility for their own actions.
Topics covered include:
- Making Better Choices
- The Ripple Effect
- Property Crimes
- Proactive Thinking
- Accepting Responsibility
- Anger Management
- Learning what you can and can’t control
- Coping Skills
This program is open by referral only through Probation, Intake, Diversion, or Mediation. For questions about this program, please contact Dana Wisecarver via email at
Ohio Statewide VINE Service Number : (800) 770-0192
TTY: (866) 847-1298
The VINElink system is an information and notification resource that provides users the ability to search for information about an offender’s custody status and register to receive notification when a change in status occurs. The VINE service is provided to the citizens of Ohio by the office of the Attorney General, Buckeye State Sheriff’s Association, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, and Ohio Department of Youth Services.
In 1998, Ohio implemented one of the nation’s first automated victim notification systems. In addition to this online tool, Ohio also offers a free and anonymous telephone service that provides victims of crime with two important features: information and notification. Information is provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Live operators are available to assist callers. This toll-free number is 1-800-770-0192.
Please note: Information on juvenile inmates in the Department of Youth Services is not available in VINELink. For juvenile information, please contact the Office of Victim Services with the Department of Youth Services at 1-800-872-3132.
Some facilities are able to provide a scheduled release date. The scheduled release date may change, depending upon a number of factors. You may want to contact the VINE service as the date gets near to find out if it has been changed. If you sign up for a notification you will be notified when the offender is discharged.
Non-Participating Agency: The Pickaway County Jail is not currently participating in the Ohio VINE Service.